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US CPSC Approves New Safety Standard (16 CFR 1236) for Infant Sleep Products

SafeGuardSToys and Juvenile ProductsJune 17, 2021

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has approved a new federal safety rule, 16 CFR 1236, for Infant Sleep Products intended for sleep and age graded for babies under five months of age.

Products subject to the proposed standard would need to have a sleep surface angle no greater than 10° and would need to meet the requirements of the CPSC standard for bassinets and cradles.

The Commission proposes to incorporate by reference ASTM F3118-17a, with following exclusions or additions:

Modification to the introduction and scope of the referenced standard:

1. Replace the term “infant inclined sleep products” with “infant sleep products” throughout the ASTM F3118-17a standard'

2. Instead of complying with section 1.3 of ASTM F3118-17a, comply with the following:

a. This consumer safety performance specification covers products that are not covered by other ASTM standards for sleep such as:

  • ASTM F1169 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Full-Size Baby Cribs
  • ASTM F406 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Non-Full-Size Baby Cribs/Play Yards
  • ASTM F2194 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Bassinets and Cradles
  • ASTM F2906 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Bedside Sleepers

3. Instead of complying with section 2 of ASTM F3118-17a, comply with applicable ASTM and Federal Standards intended for sleep products: (ASTM F1169/16 CFR 1219, ASTM F406/16 CFR 1220/16 CFR 1221, ASTM F2194/16 CFR 1218, ASTM F2906/16 CFR 1222)

4. Do not comply with sections 2.3 and 2.4 of ASTM F3118-17a, including Figures 1 and 2.

5. Throughout the ASTM F3118-17a standard, replace the term “accessory inclined sleep product” with “accessory infant sleep product”

6. Do not comply with sections 3.1.3 through 3.1.6 of ASTM F3118-17a

7. Instead of complying with section 3.1.7 of ASTM F3118-17a, comply with the following:

  • 3.1.7 infant sleep product, n— a freestanding product, intended to provide a sleeping accommodation for an infant up to approximately five months of age, that is generally supported by a stationary or rocker base and that is not subject to any of the Federal Standards intended for sleep

8. Do not comply with sections through 3.1.9 of ASTM F3118-17a

9. Instead of complying with section 3.1.10 of ASTM F3118-17a, comply with the following:

  • 3.1.10 newborn sleep product, n— a free standing product, intended to provide sleeping accommodations for a newborn up to approximately three months of age, that is supported by a stationary or rocker base and whose seat back length, measured from the bight, is not greater than 17 in. (432 mm) and that is not subject to any of the Federal Standards intended for sleep

10. Do not comply with sections 3.1.11 through 3.1.13 of ASTM F3118-17a

11. Do not comply with section 5 of ASTM F3118-17a

12. Do not comply with sections 6.1 through 6.8 of ASTM F3118-17a

13. Instead of complying with section 6.9 of ASTM F3118-17a, comply with the following:

a. 6.9 Maximum Seat Back Angle
b. 6.9.1 Accessory, Compact, and Infant Sleep Product — The angle of the seat back surface intended for sleep along the occupant's head to toe axis relative to the horizontal shall not exceed 10° when tested in accordance with 7.11.2
c. 6.9.2 Accessory, Compact, and Newborn Sleep Product — The angle of the seat back surface intended for sleep along the occupant's head to toe axis relative to the horizontal shall not exceed 10° when tested in accordance with 7.11.3
d. 6.9.3 Accessory, Compact, Infant Sleep Products, and Newborn Sleep Products — shall meet requirements of 16 CFR part 1218 Safety Standard for Bassinets and Cradles

14. Do not comply with sections 6.10 through 7.10 of ASTM F3118-17a

15. In section of ASTM F3118-17a, replace “If applicable, place the product in the manufacturer's recommended highest incline angle position” with “If applicable, place the product in the manufacturer's recommended highest seat back angle position intended for sleep”

16. In section 7.11.3 of ASTM F3118-17a, replace “Newborn Inclined Sleep Product and Newborn Inclined Sleep Product Accessory” with “Accessory, Compact, Infant Sleep Products, and Newborn Sleep Products”

17. Do not comply with sections 7.12 through 9, or the Appendix, of ASTM F3118-17a

The proposed Safety Standard for Infant Sleep Products requires accessory, compact, infant sleep products, and new-born sleep products to meet these requirements.

The Commission proposes a 12-month effective date after publication of a final rule (approximately mid 2022), for products manufactured or imported on or after that date.



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Piyush Shah
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