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Mercosur Technical Regulation on Labelling of Textile Products - Ordinance No. 296

SafeGuardSSeptember 20, 2019

The National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) issued Ordinance No.296 on 12th June 2019, approving the Mercosur Technical Regulation on labelling of textile products.

As reported in January 2019 [1], the MERCOSUR member countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) have approved and issued the Technical Regulation on Labelling of Textile Products, MERCOSUR/GMC/RES. No. 62/18, to establish the labelling requirements for textile products produced in or imported for sale in MERCOSUR member countries. Recently, the INMETRO issued Ordinance No. 296 to approve the MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on Labelling of Textile Products be inserted in Annex I of the Ordinance [2]. This Ordinance will become effective on the date of its publication.

Under the labelling regulation, textile products consisting of at least 80% textile fibers and/or textile filaments by weight are subject to the requirements. All mandatory information must be indicated through labels, stamps, stickers or similar means that are permanent, indelible, legible and clearly visible. The information must be presented in the language of the country of consumption but may also be presented in other language(s) without prejudice.

The mandatory labelling information for textile products include:

  1. Name, business name or trademark registered in the country of consumption and tax identification of a national manufacturer or importer.
  2. Country of origin, preceded by the words “Hecho en (Made in)” or “Fabricado en (Manufactured in)”, or “Industria (Industry)” followed by the name of the country of origin.
  3. Name of textile fibers or textile filaments with their contents expressed in percentage by mass.
  4. Care labelling instructions.
  5. Size or dimension, where appropriate.

For full version of the Technical Regulation, the Appendix A Name and Description of Textile Fibers and Textile Filaments & Appendix B Products that are not Subject to Compliance with Regulation, please refer to the reference links.


[1] SGS SafeGuardS No. 014/19 -

[2] Annex I of INMETRO Ordinance No. 296/2019 (in Portuguese) -
INMETRO Supplementary Information -

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