
What are you looking for?

Paydirt Battery Minerals Conference

  • Location

    Perth, Western Australia, Australia

  • Start

    March 20, 2023

    5:00 PM

  • End

    March 22, 2023

    5:30 PM

  • Time Zone

    Kuala Lumpur, Singapore (+08:00)

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Paydirt’s Battery Minerals Conference will explore the future of battery minerals and the issues developers will face as future demand continues to grow.

The unique supply and marketing characteristics of each commodity is different, making project assessments challenging compared to traditional commodities.

The conference aims to provide clarity on such issues, serving as a melting pot for the battery minerals sector. There will be in-depth discussions on market outlooks, project developments, and the future of the global battery industry and technology.

This event will also feature unparalleled insight into the vagaries of the lithium ion battery supply chain and how technological developments are likely to influence future demand for batteries and their component commodities.

For further information, please contact:

Linus Sylwestrzak
Natural Resources
Business Manager: Metallurgy & Mineralogy
t: +61 (0) 447 722 265

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