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Our value to Society

As the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, we continue to play a key role in creating a sustainable future for our stakeholders.

Letter from the Acting Chairman and CEO

Peter Kalantzis and Frankie Ng

We strive to add value to society beyond the traditional financial returns.

Dear colleagues, partners and stakeholders,

As the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, we play a key role in creating a sustainable future for our stakeholders. Climate change, growing populations and rapid urbanization combined with increasing consumer demand from emerging markets are creating a unique set of challenges and opportunities.

With 97,000 employees in more than 2,600 offices and labs around the world, SGS finds itself directly engaged with many of these problems on a daily basis. This means that we are also in a position to make the kind of positive impact that our stakeholders are looking for.

Our 140 year-long history proves that robust, long-term business performance and world-class sustainability performance go hand-in-hand – that they are, in fact, reliant on each other to a large degree. As a result of this experience, we are committed to embedding sustainability thinking as deeply as possible into SGS’s culture – a commitment that is enshrined in our Business Principles – the very foundations of the way we operate.

Signatures of Peter Kalantzis and Frankie Ng

See the full sustainability letter from our Acting Chairman and CEO

See the Sustainability Team's letter

The SGS Sustainability Report 2018 is aligned with the GRI Standards and is externally assured by Deloitte.

Sustainability at SGS

Sustainability at SGS

Sustainability is embedded in the decision-making process of all functions and operations across the SGS Group. We are committed to creating net positive value to society. By aligning the SGS 2020 Sustainability Ambitions with the Sustainable Development Goals, we are leading the broader corporate sector in building a more sustainable economy, environment and society.

  • 4.4million hours of employee training across the network
  • 22%decrease in total greenhouse gas emissions since 2014
  • 6,176million CHF value of positive societal benefits generated by SGS
Value to society

What is Value to Society?

Value to Society describes the value that we create beyond our financial return. SGS adds value to society in three ways: managing our direct operations against our Sustainability Ambitions, promoting sustainability in our supply chain and addressing global challenges through our leading services.


Our Stakeholders

Our business activity is designed to create value for and through our six main stakeholders: employees and suppliers, investors, customers, governments and industries, consumers, and communities and the planet. We see it as important to have a good understanding of the issues that are material to our stakeholders, why they are relevant at any given time and what they consider to be their impacts.

Find out more about our stakeholders in our Sustainability Report

Basis of reporting

Basis of Reporting

We are committed to providing stakeholders with accurate and timely updates on our sustainability activities and performance. We publish an integrated Annual Report and a Sustainability Report, developed using the AA1000 Accountability Principles Standard and the Global Reporting Initiative’s Standards. They are both externally assured.

Find out more about our Approach to Reporting in our Sustainability Report

Our approach to sustainability

Our Approach to Sustainability

We use our scale and expertise to enable a more sustainable future.

We ensure that we minimize our impact on the environment throughout the value chain while positively investing in the communities in which we operate. In this way, we add significant value to society.

Links & Downloads

Download the Sustainability Report 2018 and learn more about our progress.