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Household Cleaning Appliances: An Introduction to Pollution Regulation

October 10, 2016
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Human health, and the impact of daily exposure to visible and/or invisible particles and substances, is an increasing concern for the electrical and electronics industry. Public concern and increased market surveillance mean that the issue needs addressing, both to protect human health and to ensure all household appliance products work effectively and do not add to the emission of pollutants. Pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, PM 2.5 and cigarette particles, as well as bacteria, mites and other hazardous microorganisms that can be present in the environment, can cause allergenic reactions when they come into contact with human skin, and/or the respiratory passage.

In this white paper, we examine the most common pollutants and hazardous substances found in domestic and commercial premises, exploring their presence, life cycle and the adverse impacts they can have on human health.

Household Cleaning