Ensuring Good Corporate Governance
The SGS Corporate Governance framework aims to achieve an efficient allocation of resources and clear mechanisms for setting strategies and targets, in order to maximize and protect shareholder value. SGS strives to attain this goal by defining clear and efficient decision-making processes, fostering a climate of performance and accountability among managers and employees alike and aligning employees’ remuneration with the long-term interests of shareholders.
Risk Governance
Our Board of Directors reviews risks to ensure that the Company has a robust strategic approach to mitigating them. However, the ultimate responsibility for identifying risks and integrating their management into key business planning processes rests with our Operations Council.
The Group Risk Steering Committee oversees our risk management framework, and is chaired by the CEO. The Committee comprises executive members, including the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Compliance & Legal Officer, Chief Operating Officer representative and Chief Information Officer, together with representatives from departments including Risk Management, Human Resources and Sustainability. The Committee meets as necessary, at least three times a year, and reports directly to the Board.
Accountability for managing risk rests with ‘Risk Champions’ who are charged with assessing risk in the jurisdictions for which they have responsibility. In addition, SGS integrates a broad array of risk categories (see the charts below) directly into the management process, under the oversight of ‘Global Risk Category Owners’.
During the year, SGS has continued to identify and address the main prevailing risks facing our organization. A number of risks have been redefined, to emphasize where the focal points are and the resources needed to address these risks. This was further enhanced by providing additional guidelines to local affiliates on how to properly recognize, measure and mitigate their local risks. Our risk assessment process is designed to make allowances for the size and profile of each of our affiliates. This allows SGS to ensure that the framework is applicable worldwide, with key markets and businesses appropriately involved. The local risk management assessment inputs provide further validation from a global management perspective, contributing to a comprehensive and insightful overview of risk perception.