Well Integrity

Petroleum production platform in offshore in oil

Well Integrity Review for a European Gas Company Using Wellbooks

A European Gas Operator wanted to carry out a well integrity review on over 50 wells and meet local legislation requirements for documented wellbooks.

The operator was in the process of establishing a well integrity system, in line with local regulations. The wells were a mixture of active and inactive underground gas storage wells, legacy wells and shut-in wells.

SGS deployed a team of production technologists, subsurface geoscientists and well engineers to address:

  • Integration of subsurface data
  • Development of wellbooks
  • Well integrity assessments
  • Potential opportunities and concerns for each well
  • Local legislation

Well Integrity

Person pointing in laptop screen

SGS Solution

SGS successfully integrated and reviewed all subsurface data to complete:

  • Wellbooks
  • Structured subsurface archive
  • Well integrity reviews
  • Broader well reviews to identify opportunities and other concerns

The key steps in this project included:

  • Reviewing and cleaning up data and information
  • Carrying out a well integrity review with risk assessment, plus an integrated well review to identify additional opportunities
  • Summarizing information into wellbooks
  • Holding a meeting to carry out a reality check and confirm that final wellbooks meet legal requirements

Client Benefits Delivered

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Independently assessed well reviews that met local regulations

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Integrated clean-up of subsurface data, to ensure accuracy

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Quality assured and fit for purpose wellbooks for well integrity and production optimization

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List of opportunities and concerns for each well

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Clear documentation, standardized wellbooks and structured portfolio of well integrity assessments for the local regulator

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