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Basic Testing Provides Essential Info About Product

13. Jan 2025

As a manufacturer or importer, you need to be sure that your product meets the requirements of the relevant directives. In Finland, electrical products are supervised by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes), which tests hundreds of electrical devices annually. Defective products may have to be removed from the market or importers may be obliged to collect them back from users. Recall procedures are expensive and may cause serious damage to your company's reputation.

SGS Fimko's basic testing is a quick and affordable way to obtain information about the safety of your electrical products. Basic testing includes a few critical tests that can help you determine whether your product is likely to have safety deficiencies. SGS Fimko's experts know the safety requirements of your product and know how to select the inspections and tests that are critical for it. You can quickly identify potential safety deficiencies in your product and assess its marketability.

Ordering basic testing is easy! You can deliver your product to SGS Fimko's Helsinki warehouse without prior reservation. You can attach the order with the product or send it by email to You will receive a Finnish report of the test results by email. English or Swedish version of the report is available at extra fee.

Although basic testing helps to detect probable safety deficiencies in the product, products imported into Finland and the EU must meet the requirements of all relevant directives. In addition to the Low Voltage Directive, electrical products are almost invariably subject to at least the EMC and RoHS directives.

Why choose SGS?

We are an experienced and trusted player in the industry, and we have been testing and certifying electrical products in Finland for almost 100 years. Basic testing is just one of the many services we offer.

Contact us and ask about our other testing services, more extensive testing or FI certification.

About SGS

SGS is the world’s leading Testing, Inspection and Certification company. We operate a network of over 2,700 laboratories and business facilities across 119 countries, supported by a team of 99,250 dedicated professionals. With over 145 years of service excellence, we combine the precision and accuracy that define Swiss companies to help organizations achieve the highest standards of quality, safety and compliance.

Our brand promise – when you need to be sure – underscores our commitment to trust, integrity and sustainability, enabling businesses to thrive with confidence. We proudly deliver our expert services through the SGS name and trusted specialized brands, including Brightsight, Bluesign, Maine Pointe and Nutrasource.

SGS is publicly traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the ticker symbol SGSN (ISIN CH0002497458, Reuters SGSN.S, Bloomberg SGSN:SW).

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  • SGS Fimko Ltd

Takomotie 8,


