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US Enacts STURDY Act for Clothing Storage Units

SafeGuardSHardgoodsJanuary 11, 2023

SG 04/23

On December 23, 2022, the United States enacted the Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth (STURDY) Act when President Biden signed it into law as part of the $1.7 trillion fiscal 2023 omnibus spending bill.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) published a new mandatory furniture tip-over standard in the Federal Register on November 25, 20221. In SafeGuardS 140.22, we gave you further details of its impact on clothing storage units (CSU) design and manufacturing.

On December 23, 2022, US Congress passed the Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth (STURDY) Act, signed into law by President Biden as part of the $1.7 trillion fiscal 2023 omnibus spending bill2. The STURDY Act supersedes 16 CFR Part 1261, the US CPSC’s current CSU tip-over standard, which was set to take effect on May 24, 2023.

Under the STURDY Act, the CPSC is required to adopt an updated version of the ASTM International F2057 voluntary standard as a mandatory safety rule, provided it meets the performance requirements outlined in the STURDY Act. These requirements include considering children of heavier weights and establishing “objective, repeatable and measurable tests that simulate real-world use” and account for any impact on CSU stability that may result from placement on carpeted surfaces, drawers with items in them, multiple open drawers, or dynamic force. The anticipated revision to the ASTM F2057 standard is expected to address these requirements.

The revised F2057 standard is to include three tests to ensure that furniture will remain stable during real-world use. The first test involves loading all drawers with 8.5 pounds per cubic foot. The second test simulates the effect on stability when the unit is placed on carpeting. The third test simulates the dynamic forces exerted by a child climbing on the unit.

Timeline for next steps:

  • ASTM subcommittee F15.42 “Furniture Safety” must publish a revised ASTM F2057 within 60 days.
  • Once published, the CPSC must review and decide if ASTM F2057 satisfactorily mitigates CSU stability within 90 days.
  • Once promulgated by the CPSC, the updated rule will take effect in 120 days.

The above timeline may be pushed if CPSC review of the F2057 takes longer than 90 days. Based on the outcome of that review, additional steps may be necessary prior to promulgation of STURDY Act. SGS will continue to inform the industry in such event.

SGS adds value from concept to finished product. With a full range of services, including product design analysis, component and product testing, auditing, inspection and retail store checks, we help businesses deliver safe, well-designed, functional and durable products to their customers. We have the furniture industry, regulatory and technical expertise required to ensure compliance against relevant standards and/or a manufacturer’s own specifications. In the end, it’s only trusted because it’s tested. Learn more about SGS’s Furniture Services

For enquiries, please contact:

Sanjeev Gandhi, Ph.D.
SGS Connectivity & Products
t: +1 (973) 715-9350



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