Industry Pain Point Analysis

Linking industry pain points to business impact.

To gain a holistic understanding of the potential risks within the PCPC industry, SGS has developed a methodology that uses our compliance data to identify the industry’s top pain points and business impact events. This data was collected from the top certification standards for PCPC manufactures, including Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

The graphic highlights this process by identifying:

  • Top industry pain points
  • Impact events most likely to occur
  • Impact areas with the highest business risk

PCPC industry pain points analysis

We used our PCPC industry analysis to discover trends in our client’s data and detect threats and areas of improvement. By reviewing each standard clause and its corresponding data points, we were able to identify the top five pain points for PCPC manufacturers, based on the number of occurrences in our data set.

Our technical and industry experts then mapped each pain point to events most likely to negatively affect operations. We refer to these as impact events. These events allow us to identify the risk level of the four main impact areas of an organization. Our analysis indicates that the events with the highest risk revolve around product quality and customer satisfaction. These are:

  • Product recall
  • Operational inefficiency
  • Noncompliance and fines
  • Data loss
  • Unethical conduct

Our graphic showcases this process for the PCPC industry and identifies all high risk impact areas with high risk levels.

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