VPD brings a new level of descriptive accuracy to traded grades reference data for:
- Petrochemicals
- Light and middle distillates
- Residuals
- Base oil and lubes
- Biofuels
- Sustainable aviation fuel and crude and condensates
Unique nomenclature
Our database captures the characteristics of every type of oil liquid and assigns it a unique name. Consequently, you can be sure that the nomenclature used in your reference data provides an objective reflection of what was traded.
The dataset is a comprehensive list of the refined products and crude grades traded globally. It includes the relevant specifications of each (for example, EN 228, EN 590 and ISO 8217), with a unique nomenclature to describe every grade. It delivers a standardized method for describing traded grades.
This new dataset includes granularity such as, but not limited to:
- Commodity
- Grades
- Specifications
- Geographies
- Seasonality

Benefits of the VAKT Product Database
- Always up to date Save time and resources spent on maintenance. The database always reflects up-to-date information on every grade that can be traded.
- Communicate accurately Avoid confusion caused by traders using different nomenclature for the same grade. With VPD, you can be confident that the name of a grade means the same thing, every time.
- CustomizableUse VPD with any unique products that you trade. The product’s specifications can be codified into the database and added as a new, unique grade.

Why SGS?
As the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company, we are recognized as the benchmark for sustainability, quality and integrity. Our knowledge of the oil, gas and chemical industry is unmatched.
Contact us today for more information about the VAKT Product Database.
201 Route 17 North,
7th floor,
Rutherford, New Jersey, 07070,
United States