SGS performs measurement of environmental emissions from chimneys and stacks across a wide range of industries.
Accredited Stack Testing Services from SGS
SGS provides ISO/IEC 17025 accredited stack testing, which is normally required for integrated pollution prevention control (IPPC) and compliance testing.
We offer emission testing services for the following:
- Power stations (gas, coal, oil, biomass and alternative fuel)
- Incinerators (solid or liquid waste, MSW, hospital or industrial)
- Waste incineration
- Oil, gas and chemicals facilities
- Refineries
- Landfill (flares and engines)
- Pharmaceutical plants
- Cement plants
- Metal plants
- Metal finishing operators
- Asphalt plants
- Paper manufacturers
- Glass manufacturers
- Steel manufacturers
- Food manufacturers
- Mineral processors
In addition we can also provide our clients with the following services:
- Calibration of CEMS
- Computerized Dispersion Modeling
- Abatement efficiency trials
Find out more about how emissions testing services from SGS can support your compliance with emissions permits or regulatory limits.
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201 Route 17 North,
7th floor,
Rutherford, New Jersey, 07070,
United States