Join SGS experts at the HairS'23 conference for the latest insights in hair care.
HairS'23 will follow the tradition of the DWI-organized hair scientific meetings, offering a unique platform for discussing the newest and most appealing ideas of hair research and hair care science.
Difference in performance of hair care products on different hair types
Ines Sellami from SGS will discuss the “Difference in performance of hair care products on different hair types” on Friday, September 8 at 10:25am.
The Assessment of Silicon Build-Up After Using Hair Care Products by EDX-Method
Our experts, Britta Gudowski and Luminita Preda, will be presenting a poster, "The Assessment of Silicon Build-Up After Using Hair Care Products by EDX-Method" at the HairS'23 conference.
Our cosmetics and hygiene services
SGS is the world leader in cosmetics, detergent and hygiene testing with a unique network of more than 27 laboratories and 19 clinical testing sites in North America, Europe and Asia. We offer turnkey and innovative solutions, including analytical, microbiological and in vitro testing, clinical studies for safety and efficacy, as well as regulatory services.
For further information, please contact:
Aurelia Resines
Global Head of Marketing
Avenida da Namaacha, km 1.5, nº 8274,
Cidade de Maputo, 1116,