Agricultural commodities are vulnerable to a variety of risks when being transported by sea. These can delay delivery and may diminish quality and integrity.
Best-in-class insurance
We have created Comprehensive Cover (CC) to help businesses nullify these risks. Our best-in-class insurance package covers all negative eventualities connected with sea transportation, including strikes, riots, and civil war, enabling worldwide protection against commodity loss and damage.

Our services include:
- Full outturn guarantee (FOG)
- Full outturn quality (FOQ)
- Non-Rejection Guarantee
- Fumigation guarantee
- Seller’s interest/contingency insurance

Collaborating with first-class underwriters, these solutions minimize risks during transportation and protect commercial interests. We support all claims, ensuring swift and correct responses from underwriters, thereby minimizing timelines and ensuring compensation is processed efficiently.
All India business enquiries helpline
Local site contact number
SGS House,
4B, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Vikhroli (West),
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400 083,