Asset valuation and reserves reporting services from SGS help and inform you on all aspects of an asset’s value.
Our independent evaluations and audits provide the information required to strengthen investment decisions, or support reserves and resource evaluation – either for in-house use, or for reserves-based lending purposes.
Asset Valuation From SGS
Our asset valuation services include:
- Opportunity screening
- Market intelligence
- Determination of asset value for license applications or farm-in/acquisitions
- From data-room evaluations to full asset valuation, including all technical and commercial aspects (TECOP)
- Assessment of risks, uncertainties and upsides
- Expert opinion on third-party evaluations
- Technical due diligence
Our experts offer in-depth expertise in independent evaluations and audits in compliance with well-established energy industry standards, rules and guidelines. We cover petroleum economics, involving the development or use of existing economic models to support decision making and risk management. We also offer expert knowledge in tax royalty systems, production sharing agreements, cash-flow analysis and price forecasting.
Reserves Evaluation From SGS
Our reserves evaluation services include:
- Independent reserves evaluation, audit and/or review, compliant with industry standards
- Resources assessment
- Competent person’s reports (CPR)
- Expert opinion and third-party report reviews
- Design/audit of company (or government) internal reserves guidelines and processes
Our team can also support evaluation and certification of storage volume for carbon capture according to SPE-SRMS.
All India business enquiries helpline
Local site contact number
SGS House,
4B, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Vikhroli (West),
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400 083,