
What are you looking for?

Coal, Coke and Petroleum Coke

Establish the quality of mined commodities with independent testing services.

Determining the physical characteristics of coal, coke and petroleum coke is key for establishing the quality of your commodity. With strict national and international standards governing the supply of mineral and metals, accurate and verifiable data is essential for traders and end users.

Globally recognized

We provide a comprehensive range of cargo sampling, inspection and testing solutions for coal and coke. Our experts offer on-site solutions and enable access to state-of-the-art commercial coal laboratories.

All commodity analysis is performed in compliance with regulatory and contractual requirements using the latest technologies and methodologies, all accredited by globally recognized industry associations.

Advanced Automatic Mechanical Sampling Systems
Get accurate, representative and unbiased sampling of your bulk cargo to ensure quality and zero bias.

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Why choose SGS?
We are recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity in the coal and coke sector. Wherever you operate in the world, our experts are ready to support you with competitively priced solutions that reduce risks while optimizing commercial outcomes.

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  • SGS India Private Limited

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SGS House,

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Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400 083,
