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Are travel restrictions disrupting the quality assurance of your supply chain?

08. Apr 2020
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Many companies have found themselves in a challenging situation due to the travel restrictions that have been introduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. SGS services can help you to keep the ball rolling even if your staff can no longer travel abroad to select or assess suppliers or products.

SGS is the world’s largest independent company in the testing, inspection and certification industry. Our network of over 2,600 branches and laboratories, and 94,000 employees ensure that we have specialists in all industrialised countries. Using SGS network, you will be able to ensure the quality of your suppliers and their products without your staff crossing any international borders. This provides added value, particularly while travel restrictions are in place, but it is also a cost-efficient option in normal circumstances.

In addition to our comprehensive range of inspection and testing services, we have also renewed and improved our services to facilitate procurement:

Quality assurance services for products and suppliers

A support service for the selection and procurement of suppliers, products and components that meet your specifications. The service helps buyers to manage their supply chain and to ensure the quality of components and products.

Inspection services at manufacturing sites. An SGS specialist will inspect products at the factory according to your specifications. You can also draw up specifications together with an SGS specialist. The inspection can cover the quality of the product, an inspection of the factory and its surroundings, and if necessary, sample-taking. You can participate in the inspections remotely.

Comparison and performance testing. The service includes sample-taking and testing in accordance with your own testing plan. The service aims to ensure that the product meets the customer’s requirements. If necessary, you can participate remotely in sample-taking and in comparison and performance testing. 

Supplier and product search services

In Asia, we can help you to find the right suppliers for the products and components you need. We can assess preselected suppliers and test products to support your decision-making. Remote connections are available if necessary.

In addition to these new services, we also provide comprehensive inspection, testing and certification services for products, goods batches and suppliers, no matter where in the world the manufacturing site is. 

Why SGS?

Our service means you don’t have to travel abroad. SGS already operates in the target country.

With our help, you can reduce the risk of poor-quality or non-compliant components or products ending up in production or on the market. 

Boost your procurement activities and save time and money. 


Contact us, and let’s work together to customise service package for your precise needs! 


Best regards, 

Tomi Nyberg
Director, Business Development
Global Key Account Manager
SGS Finland