In addition to those schemes recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), we certify against a range of other internationally-acknowledged standards.
The standards include:
- AHA (Allergie, Haut, Asthma – Allergy, Skin and Asthma, for allergen management)
- Codex Verified Approval Scheme
- Hygiene Monitored Approval Scheme
- IFS Broker (International Featured Standard)
- ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management
- ISO 28000 – Supply Chain Security Management
- ISTA (International Seed Testing Association)
- Marine Stewardship Council
Wherever you are in the food value chain, we can independently audit your processes and/or systems against the requirements of these world-class standards. Certification helps you and your suppliers adopt the highest standards in food safety, meet your regulatory requirements and contractual obligations, and gain access to global markets.
As a world-leader in food safety audits and certification, we have an international, multi-lingual network of auditors ready to share their expertise and help you raise standards. We can ensure that your food safety solutions and systems are in line with the latest thinking and best practice, so that quality and safety become synonymous with your brand.
Contact SGS now to discuss how our food industry certification services can help your organization.
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Carrera 100 No. 25C - 11,
Bogota, Colombia