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California Introduces Bill to Encourage the Adoption of E-Bikes

SafeGuardSHardgoodsMarch 22, 2024

SG 52/24

California has introduced Senate Bill No. 712 (SB-712) to force landlords to accept electric bicycles (e-bikes) and enable the integration of these personal micromobility devices into the fabric of city living.

California has become the latest US state to introduce legislation to encourage the use of e-bikes by forcing landlords to accept e-bikes that are compliant with safety standards. SB-712 is a progressive piece of legislation that has been approved and filed with the Secretary of State and should be seen as a significant step towards embracing the future of urban transportation.

The bill defines a ‘personal micro mobility device’ as a device powered by either the rider’s physical exertion or an electric motor. These devices are designed either for individual transportation or one adult accompanied by up to three minors.

It stops landlords prohibiting tenants from owning or storing these devices in their units, provided they meet safety standards such as:

  • UL 2849 or EN 15194 for e-bikes
  • UL 2272 or EN 17128 for e-scooters

However, exceptions apply if the landlord offers secure, long-term storage or if a tenant requires the device due to disability.

The bill does not mandate landlords to modify units for device storage, but it also doesn't prevent landlords from setting certain restrictions, such as maintenance limitations or compliance with fire safety codes regarding battery storage.

Elsewhere, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is considering developing a rule to address the risk of injury associated with e-bikes. They are currently holding a public consultation over a proposed rulemaking under the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) and the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA). Public comments concerning the risk of injury associated with e-bikes will be collected until May 14, 2024.

SGS provides comprehensive e-bike, e-scooter and battery testing solutions, including Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) certification. Our expert team will ensure your products meet regulatory requirements and safety standards.

SGS is committed to providing information about development in regulations for consumer products as complimentary services. Through a global network of laboratories, SGS provides a wide range of services including physical/mechanical testing, analytical testing and consultancy work for technical and non-technical parameters applicable to a comprehensive range of consumer products. Contact us for more information or visit our website. In the end, it’s only trusted because it’s tested.

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For further information, please contact:

Chihhao Lien

Chihhao Lien

Asst. Manager

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