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SGS CEBEC Electrical Product Conformity

How can you confirm that your electrical products are safe and compliant with the required standards?

Consumers expect electrical and electronic devices to be of good quality, reliable and safe. To provide consumer confidence, EU regulations exist with specific rules for different types of electrical and electronic products. As a result, certification and safety testing by a recognized organization enables you to demonstrate the conformity of your product.

Introducing a new product in a different country

As well as helping to ensure compliance, having the right certification increases your speed to market when you want to introduce products in other countries. As legislation is harmonized across the EU and sometimes even beyond, marketing a product in multiple countries becomes easier with broadly recognized certifications.

Products for which certification services are available include:

  • Electrical household equipment
  • Luminaires and lighting accessories
  • Electrical installation equipment
  • Electro-medical equipment
  • Information technology, audio/video and measuring equipment

To help you meet local, European and international requirements, an expert certification body can help you obtain a broad range of Certifications. That is where our SGS CEBEC services can help.

cebec logoCEBECMark of compliance with Belgian/European standards.
SGS cebec 100 years
enec logoENECEuropean mark for electrical equipment safety. For more information, visit
enec logoENEC+European mark for performance of electrical equipment. For more information, visit
cb scheme logoIECEE CBInternational scheme for mutual acceptance of CB test reports and CB test certificates, based on international standards (IEC or ISO).

This certification facilitates access to national markets of other IECEE Member countries. For more information, visit
har logoHAREuropean mark for electrical cables. For more information, visit
etics logoCCAEuropean scheme for mutual acceptance of CCA test reports and certification, based on European standards.

This certification facilitates access to national markets of other ETICS Member countries. For more information, visit
lovag logoLOVAGAgreement for electrical low-voltage equipment used in an industrial environment.
 SGS usa and canada logoUSA and CANADASGS Safety mark for the U.S. and Canadian markets.
lovag logoCE MarkingCE Type examination certificates issued as EU Notified Body in the frame of EU Regulation (CPR) EU 305/2011, or EU Directive (EMC) 2014/30/EU.

Ensure the conformity of your electrical products with a world leader

As a world-leading provider of testing, inspection, verification and certification, we offer you unrivaled experience in electrical product conformity. We test and certify installation materials, electrical household appliances, lighting equipment, IT-products, electronic appliances and medical equipment for electrical safety, functionality, electromagnetic compatibility and performance.

Our CEBEC mark certifies compliance with the highest international safety and quality standards, while also verifying the quality of your production processes. This means the CEBEC mark is not only appreciated by safety-conscious consumers, it is also prized by installers and industrial users who want to be assured of complete compliance with both Belgian and European standards.

In addition, we are a notified body for a number of European Directives and Regulations, such as the certification of power, control and communication cables under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) EU 305/2011, or the Electromagnetic Directive 2014/30/EU, as required for CE marking.

Help consumers and professionals select the product that meets their needs

In addition to safety testing and certification, our CEBEC laboratory offers various testing services to help consumers and professional users select the best product for their needs:

  • Flammability classification of insulating or plastic materials
  • IP testing to classify and rate the degree of protection provided against the ingress of solid objects and liquids by mechanical casings and electrical enclosures
  • IK testing to classify the resistance of enclosures to impact, according to the European standard EN 62262
  • Energy performance testing to verify the power consumption of consumer electronics and electrical household appliances
  • Product performance testing to check the functionality of electrical products

Additional expertise

To increase your level of certainty, our SGS CEBEC laboratory also offers several additional services based on many years of experience. We can for example:

  • Execute a visual structural inspection to assess whether your product complies with the requirements, prior to going through full testing
  • Inspect the conformance documentation to help importers be sure that the product they buy is fully compliant with European or national standards and regulations
  • Check that the product put on the market is identical to the product originally certified

To ensure the conformity of your electrical products, contact us today.

  • SGS Belgium NV - Brussels CEBEC

Boulevard International 55/K,


Brussels, Belgium